Pat Pattison – Los Angeles Career Coach & Executive Consultant
Available Coaching Services
Executive Coaching

Pat has over 30+ years of marketing & advertising experience as a former marketing executive in the entertainment industry at major companies like Disney & Metromedia (now Fox). He can offer a unique perspective that only those who have been in similar executive positions can give advice on. Pat understands what it takes to make the right decision that will help propel your team’s efforts forward in the right direction. Whether is personal leadership skill building, team management, personnel training or problem solving, Pat can guide you in the right direction.
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Transition & Career Coaching
Are you ready for a career change or a second career? Pat is known for being able to hone in on your passions & strengths and point you towards a direction that leads to a personally fulfilling career path as well as financial security. Level up your employable skills or turn a passion into a revenue stream. Perhaps its finally time to launch that dream company of yours. You can confide in Pat to offer expert advice on a myriad of transitioning scenarios like what it takes to launch a product or a service. For some of the best results from a career change, be sure to contact Pat to start your one-on-one transition coaching sessions.
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Career Changes After 50
In this fast-paced, ever-changing digital world, you may have found that your previous career has been pushed out of the market due to technological advancement and modernization. Transform your previous skills and passions into a reinvented career path for yourself, even after the age of 50. Take it from Pat, he reinvented his career at the age of 50. He went from a marketing executive & product inventory to fulfilling his life-long goal of becoming a model & actor. As a Baby Boomer, it may seem difficult to reincarnate your career, but it’s never too late.
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